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SOLIZE participates as a consortium member to develop a validation and verification methodology for the automated driving of Cabinet Office’s SIP

SIP-adus Workshop 2019

SOLIZE participates in the DIVP™ – Driving Intelligence Validation Platform- consortium to develop a validation and verification methodology for the automated driving which is the second phase program “Automated Driving” of the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP).

Professor Hideo Inoue, Kanagawa Institute of Technology and Leader of the DIVP™ consortium made a presentation about the project achievement in the SIP-adus (Innovation of Automated Driving for Universal Services) Workshop 2019 held from November 12 to November 14, 2019, which ended in great success with 511 participants from 23 countries and regions including 166 top experts.

For more details, please click here

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